Nutritional Strategies for the Very Low Birthweight Infant
The goal of nutritional management in VLBW and ELBW infants is the achievement of postnatal growth at a rate that approximates the intrauterine growth of a normal fetus at the same postconceptional age. In reality, however, growth lags considerably after birth; although non-nutritional factors are involved, nutrient deficiencies are critical in explaining delayed growth.
Here is a clear and authoritative discussion of the basic concerns which underlie the development and use of language tests, and an up-to-date synthesis of research on testing. Primarily for students on teacher education courses, it is also an invaluable resource for all those professionally involved in designing and administering tests, acting as a complement to practical 'how to' books.
Strategists describe networking and being able to access knowledge as the leading path to gaining a competitive advantage.
This book gathers contributions of scholars from multi-disciplinary fields to illustrate, compare, and discuss models, perspectives, and approaches involved in the distribution, administration, and transmission of knowledge across organizations.
In Photography, local inhabitants of Mammoth Island are attempting to memorialize the winner of their annual golf tournament with a portrait. Since the only painter never seems to complete a painting, a young islander named Olive begins to experiment with light when she notices its effect on the grass growing on the golf course. Before long, she stumbles on the principles involved in photography, and a visiting inventor helps her understand how light, lenses and chemicals can be used to produce a photograph. Together they build a camera of mammoth-sized proportions!
Added by: intmain | Karma: 151.41 | Fiction literature | 7 November 2009
A historical fiction novel series dealing with a 14th Century search for the Holy Grail, around the time of the Hundred Years' War. They follow the adventures of Thomas of Hookton as he leaves Dorset after the murder of his father and joins the English Army under Edward III as an archer. In Harlequin he is involved in battle in Brittany and subsequently at the Battle of Crécy...