This book explores criminal issues from an international law perspective, and domestic state practice from a variety of common law and civil law states. It takes account of international (international criminal tribunals) and domestic case law, and recent international developments, such as the International Criminal Court, terrorism-related issues (eg Lockerbie).
This comprehensive two-volume set brings together all aspects of the blues from performers and musical styles to record labels and cultural issues, including regional evolution and history. Organized in an accessible A-to-Z format, the Encyclopedia of the Blues is an essential reference resource for information on this unique American music genre.Coverage includes:• The whole history of the blues, from its antecedents in African and American types of music to the contemporary styles performed today
Key Film Texts offers students a stimulating introduction to 50 films which they are likely to encounter during their studies. An introductory chapter outlines the core concepts involved in film study. Each entry then provides a guide to production details, information on the film-makers and the institutional context of the film. It explores issues of genre and stardom, the social and historical context, and questions of form and content. The discussion is followed by questions designed to develop students' analytical skills and awareness of the key issues raised by the film. Each entry ends with a list of other similar films to encourage students to broaden their viewing and knowledge of film culture.
This "Intellectual Property Practice Professional Guide" is designed to give apprentice solicitors a clear and thorough understanding of the current intellectual property practice and procedure. In particular, it will delve more intensely into the many areas of IP, such as trade marks, passing off, patents, copyright, databases, computer programs, industrial designs, domain names, licensing, and confidential information. "Intellectual Property" comprehensively deals with the practice issues most frequently encountered by apprentices in this area and incorporates recent developments in law and practice. It explains the principles of Intellectual Property practice clearly and concisely by experts in the field and will prove to be an essential text for both apprentices and practitioners in this field.