A monthly magazine for the teachers of English. Features information on the new trends in technology, preparing secondary classes for exams, young learners issues, junior high school problems, literature, methodology tips, culture, travelling, ELT, drama, and grammar.
English in focus 1: for grade VII Junior High School
English in Focus for Grade VII is one of a three-level English textbooks for you, young learners in junior high school (SMP/MTs). The necessity of English as one of the foreign languages studied in Indonesian schools, brings this book forward. The writers have made an effort to develop your ability in English use through this book. The content of the book is integrated in the four language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing. It aims to build your language, discourse, sociocultural and strategic competence. All the components help you understand English and use it as the media of communication.
Fairyland is a new course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where English becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Join us and feel the magic!
Projects Across the Curriculum (Junior English Timesaver)
Welcome to the Junior English Timesaver (JET) series! This collection of photocopiable resource books is specifically designed to meet the needs of young learners and their teachers.The JET series covers a range of topics, providing fresh and motivating activities for primary classes of all ages and abilities. Concise teaching notes and carefully staged lessons save teacher preparation time, and help you make the most of your classes.