Each book in this series contains 40 units divided into eight themes. Each unit is comprised of five exercises based on a single listening text By focusing learners’ attention on text transcription, Listening Practice through Dictation encourages learners to notice and improve spelling, vocabulary, sentence structure, cohesive devices used in speaking and writing, and punctuation, apart from providing invaluable exposure to audio-recorded language of native English speakers.
Easy English Grammar is a clear and concise grammar reference series designed for young English language learners. Easy English Grammar blends concrete grammar explanations and exercises with engaging activities to help students acquire a solid foundation of basic, high-frequency structures. The communicative picture-based activities in each unit of the series support young EFL/ESL learners in the first stages of English language development.
The New English Course. Student 4. Upper-Intermediate
Added by: vicktorx | Karma: 41.03 | Black Hole | 17 October 2009
The New English Course is a four-level course for learners of English. Level 4 takes students from intermediate to a good upper-intermediate standard (approximately at the level of the First Certificate). It can be used with learners who have studied previous levels of the course or as an independent upper-intermediate course.
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Advanced Learners addresses the needs of very advanced learners who wish to improve their proficiency further. It defines the distinctive learning style of advanced learners and challenges them both by introducing new activities and by engaging them in familiar activities at a higher level of proficiency.Trainee teachers with ideas to help extend and diversify their everyday classroom practice.