Provides ideas and advice for teachers who are asked to teach English to very young children (3-6 years). Offers a wide variety of activities such as games, songs, drama, stories, and art and craft, all of which follow sound educational principles. Includes numerous photocopiable pages.
Edited by: englishcology - 2 January 2009
Reason: Title modified : From( Young Learners) to (Very Young Learners) + book cover replaced ,too.
Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners provides simple and straightforward advice on how to teach mathematics to the English Language Learners in the classroom. The authors offer context-specific strategies for everything from facilitating classroom discussions with all students, to reading and interpreting math textbooks, to tackling word problems. A fully annotated list of math web and print resources completes the volume, making this a valuable reference to help mathematics teachers meet the challenges of including all learners in effective instruction.
Edited by: decabristka - 6 April 2014
Reason: strikethrough not working dl links in header (F.)
A gentle introduction to grammar for children aged nine to twelve, which presents grammar in familiar, everyday situations. Short dialogues or stories introduce the grammar points in an entertaining and memorable way. Clear, concise grammar summaries explain the rules, and plenty of written exercises check that learners have understood them. Level: Beginner teacher's book added Thanks to floarea!
Listening to the voices of learners as they write an essay or try to cope with unfamiliar words in a text is a luxury often reserved for researchers. This book with its data on several aspects of learner skills and vocabulary knowledge and with data from the same individuals performing similar tasks in their first and their foreign language invites readers with an interest in foreign language acquisition to follow the same learners in their efforts to cope in both languages.
This book presents the most comprehensive study to date of the starting point of second language acquisition. With its focus on the language input that learners receive and what they do with this input, the study sheds light on questions still unanswered in second language acquisition literature, such as what knowledge is brought to the acquisition process and how learners use this knowledge to process new linguistic information.