Time to Talk - 21st Century Communication Skills is a communication-focused course with a global context for 21st-century learners. The series engages learners with relevant content, appealing aesthetics, and meaningful outcomes in every lesson. Interact is a multi-level communicative language course for foundation (Pre-A1) to upper-intermediate (B2) learners of English. Competency outcomes are attained through the proper balance of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Interact has a deliberate emphasis on integrated-skill activities. In addition, the series includes clear language focus through grammar points and supportive vocabulary.
Time to Talk - 21st Century Communication Skills is a communication-focused course with a global context for 21st-century learners. The series engages learners with relevant content, appealing aesthetics, and meaningful outcomes in every lesson. Interact is a multi-level communicative language course for foundation (Pre-A1) to upper intermediate (B2) learners of English.
Competency outcomes are attained through the proper balance of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Interact has a deliberate emphasis on integrated-skill activities. In addition, the series includes clear language focus through grammar points and supportive vocabulary.
Pronunciation and Phonetics: A Practical Guide for English Language Teachers (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series)
This engaging, succinct text is an introduction to both phonetics and phonology as applied to the teaching of pronunciation to English language learners. Section 1 selectively covers the main areas of phonetics and phonology, without going into any area in more depth than the average English language teacher requires or that the average English language teacher trainee can handle. Section 2 focuses on practical issues related to learners and how they learn languages, and what represents good practice in terms of classroom activities for pronunciation—including aspects such as targets, motivation and priorities.
Time to Talk - 21st Century Communication Skills is a communication-focused course with a global context for 21st-century learners. The series engages learners with relevant content, appealing aesthetics, and meaningful outcomes in every lesson. Interact is a multi-level communicative language course for foundation (Pre-A1) to upper intermediate (B2) learners of English.
Competency outcomes are attained through the proper balance of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Interact has a deliberate emphasis on integrated-skill activities. In addition, the series includes clear language focus through grammar points and supportive vocabulary.
Time to Talk - 21st Century Communication Skills is a communication-focused course with a global context for 21st-century learners. The series engages learners with relevant content, appealing aesthetics, and meaningful outcomes in every lesson. Interact is a multi-level communicative language course for foundation (Pre-A1) to upper intermediate (B2) learners of English.
Competency outcomes are attained through the proper balance of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Interact has a deliberate emphasis on integrated-skill activities. In addition, the series includes clear language focus through grammar points and supportive vocabulary.