Test pack for your Friends 3 coursebook (Pre-Intermediate level). Tasks are mostly in KET format! Friends is a four-level course
for 9-13 year olds that is specially designed for students
different learning styles as they mature. It takes students
from beginner to pre-intermediate level.
If you're thinking about using online learning in your organization,
On-Line Learning will become one of your greatest planning resources.
The author explains online learning in simple language, defines basic
terms and concepts, and addresses three key considerations when
planning an online learning program.
Building Online Learning Communities further explores the
development of virtual classroom environments that foster a sense of
community and empower students to take charge of their learning to
successfully achieve learning outcomes.
E-learning has assumed a significant role in the educational sector in
both face-to-face learning and distance learning forms. Universities
all over the globe have adopted e-learning methodology, or are planning
to implement it in the near future. Cases on Global E-Learning
Practices: Successes and Pitfalls looks into global practices of
e-learning, examining the successes and failures of e-learning
Today, e-learning and various online education applications are used in more countries and educational institutions than ever before. However, as the industry grows, so do issues of ethical concern such as plagiarism, electronic voyeurism, and licensing. Ethical Practices and Implications in Distance Learning outlines a systems approach as the framework to guide all ethical perspectives in Open and Distance Learning System (ODLS). This important title provides academicians, students, and professionals with ethical insight into the world of e-learning through fascinating case studies that elucidate the issues through real-world examples.