This book is intended to use by students working alone or as supplementary drill material in a class. It has been written with a view of teaching the fundamentals and basic principles of functional grammar. Functional grammar is incidental grammar which is acquired by the pupils unconsciously by imitation or consciously by observation and deduction. In the very process of learning the correct sentence patterns, the pupil is learning grammar. This disguised and unformulated grammar is called functional grammar.
Rosetta Stone is language-learning software produced by Rosetta Stone, Ltd. Its title is an allusion to the Rosetta Stone, an artifact inscribed in multiple languages that helped researchers to decipher Ancient Egyptian by comparing it to the Greek inscription.
The Rosetta Stone software utilizes a combination of images, text, and sound, with difficulty levels increasing as the student progresses, in order to teach various vocabulary terms and grammatical functions intuitively, without drills or translation. Their award-winning method is called the Dynamic Immersion method. The goal is to teach languages the way first languages are learnt.
Escape the endless tedium of translation, memorisation and grammar drills. Get the language you want, the skills you need and the success you deserve by learning a new language naturally - the same way you learned your first language.
This the portable aplication for the most famous language learning software.(No installation required)
This book aims to review the work done in psychology and linguistics on language processing and to relate it to the learning of a second language. It is aimed at the student language teacher who will also be studying aspects of linguistics such as phonology alongside psychological theories and theories of language learning.
It is an attempt to pull together the two disciplines with a specific focus on the second language learner.
It will also be of interest to postgraduate students in off ering them a wide variety of sources for further research.
The documentation of young children's learning plays a vital role in the pre-schools of Reggio Emilia. This leading edge approach to bringing record-keeping and assessment into the heart of young children's learning is envied and emulated by educators around the world. This unique, accessible and inspiring book is based upon a documentary approach successfully implemented by Stirling Council in Scotland, whose pre-school educators experienced dramatic improvements in their understandings about young children, how they learn and the potential unleashed in successfully engaging families in the learning process.