Written for library managers, this volume explains and clarifies the practice of assessment at academic institutions. Armed with this information, the library manager will be better prepared to assess library services in the context of the library's impact on student learning outcomes and research productivity.
New on the Job: A School Library Media Specialist's Guide to Success
"New on the Job" serves as a wise mentor for new SLMS. Expert authors Ruth Toor and Hilda K. Weisburg share the joys and perils of the profession along with a wealth of practical advice from a combined six decades of experience in library media centers and as collaborators on books, presentations, and workshops. Learn the secrets to successfully collaborate with teachers. Navigate new roles and responsibilities with confidence. Create dynamic interactions with students to deepen their learning experiences.
Facilities Planning for School Library Media and Technology Centers, 2nd edition
This step-by-step guide to remodel or build your new library.This book includes a collection of case studies providing guidance from practitioners on common facilities issues ·This must-have resource will become your research foundation as you plan your new library.Included in this volume are ready-to-use sample tools and floor plans! Learn the keys to success for school facilities of the future: flexibility, planning, expendability, and security.
This book is an important reference for use by researchers in cognition and emotion and will be of value to anyone who has interests that overlap this area. It would clearly be a key addition to any serious psychology or psychiatry library.
Geometry and Billiards (Student Mathematical Library)Mathematical billiards describe the motion of a mass point in a domain with elastic reflections off the boundary or, equivalently, the behavior of rays of light in a domain with ideally reflecting boundary. From the point of view of differential geometry, the billiard flow is the geodesic flow on a manifold with boundary.