The Little Book of Safe Money: How to Conquer Killer Markets, Con Artists, and Yourself
The Little Book of Safe Money acts as a guide for those trying to make their way through today's down markets. The topics covered include everything from investing behavior-why our minds come with their own set of biases that often prove harmful-to the use of financial advisors. But this timely book goes one step further than the rest by questioning an investor's true appetite for risk.
Five Thousand B.C. and Other Philosophical Fantasies
This book is a collection of anecdotes, discussions and little philosophical dramas. It is an esy read, but some of the ideas are very deep, some are just funny. Anyone with the slightest interest in philosophy whatsoever can and should read this little book. The book adresses epistemology, religion, ethics and logic. Some things are weird and not really related to philosophy but still fascinating. In his dramas, Smullyan plays with many philosophical schools and positions.
Find out the answers to these questions, and many others, in this little book packed with big facts and figures about 20 Natural Wonders from all over the world!
Designed for children learning to read, this book retells the "Three Little Pigs" in natural language with repeated phrases to help children develop the confidence to read alone. Level Two is suitable for children who are familiar with some simple words and can read short sentences with help
Three goats want to go over the troll's bridge. 'Please don't eat me!' says the little goat. 'Wait for the next goat. He's big.' And the little goat goes over the bridge. The big goat says, 'Wait for the next goat. He's very big.' And the big goat goes over the bridge. What does the very big goat say to the troll?