Jack sells the family cow for three magical beans. The mother is angry at Jack's purchase and throws the beans out the window. Overnight the magic beans grow and sprout right into the clouds. Jack climbs up the beanstalk and discovers a giant's castle with all sorts of wonders like a hen that lays golden eggs, bags of gold and a magic harp.
Once there was a princess named Lisa. She was the prettiest princess in all the land. One day, Lisa went to the woods to gather violets. As she worked, she sang sweetly. A wicked old witch saw her. The witch did not like pretty things and changed Lisa into a black raven. Find out how Peter rescues Lisa and makes her human again. Yes, there is a giant, magic cloak, magic horse and glass mountain involved.
Once, a long time ago, there was a king whose wisdom was known throughout all the land. Nothing could be hidden from him. It seemed as if news of the most secret things came to him through the air. He had one strange custom. Every day when he was alone, a trusted servant brought him a magic dish. One day when the servant took away the magic dish, he tasted the left-over food on the dish. Eating the food gave the servant the power to understand animals. Follow the servant as he uses this new-found power to win the hand of a beautiful princess.
Once there was an ugly witch who imprisoned a beautiful princess on the top of a glass mountain. A drummer boy tried to save the princess, but the mountains was so slippery he could not climb it. With magic he got to the top, but he still had to trick the witch into freeing the princess.