In Rowland's masterful 14th historical to feature Sano Ichiro, a year has passed since the events chronicled in 2008's The Fire Kimono, but the calm that has prevailed since the shogun made Sano and his archrival, Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu, co-chamberlains is about to be shattered. Maj. Kumazawa Hiroyuki, Sano's estranged uncle, comes to him for help after the major's 33-year-old daughter, Chiyo, disappears. The detective-turned-politician manages to find Chiyo, but not before she has been violated.
Deposits of "fire ice," frozen methane hydrate found in abundance off of the East Coast of the United States, become potential hazards of monumental proportions. When an insane Russian mining mogul decides he can use the sub stance to threaten and destroy large areas of major national powers, he becomes the target for Kurt Austin, leader of NUMA's (National Underwater and Marine Agency) Special Assignments Team.
With two new lead authors, the sixth edition of Psychiatric Diagnosis continues its thirty-five year tradition of providing a clear, critical and well-documented overview of major psychiatric syndromes, with minimum inclusion of unwieldy theories or clinical opinions. Medical students and psychiatric residents will continue to find this new edition to be a unique guide to the field-a volume that concisely yet comprehensively dissects major psychiatric disorders.
Indian Head Massage covers the fundamentals of the subject, from anatomy and physiology to health and safety, massage routines and marketing techniques. The new edition contains new information on Ayurveda and hair oils and covers the specifications for all major examining boards including the VTCT and ITEC diplomas as well as the Indian head masage units for Beauty Therapy NVQ 2 and 3.
Hand-Rearing Birds will provide the reader with a guide to the best methods of hand rearing all major species of birds. The book is broken into two sections. The first section covers standard hand raising methods and equipment, while the second provides individual chapters devoted to many major avian species. This book will be an invaluable reference for shelter veterinarians, zoo veterinarians, avian veterinarians, aviculturists, bird enthusiasts, and conservationists alike.