The European Union has initiated a number of trade agreements with emerging markets over the past decade. The high growth and fast development of market demand in the emerging markets of Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America is seen as a major chance by European exporters to market their high value added products and services and to get access to investment opportunities in these countries. For the emerging markets, in turn, the EU is the major market for their rich natural resources and low wage manufactures.
Oman provides an excellent, well-researched look at the arms, tactics, and strategies of various medieval armies. He covers the rise of the era of heavy calvary, and describes how it was replaced by the English longbow and the Swiss pikeman. His discussion of the various battlefield tactics unique to each army, as illustrated through maps of many of the major battles, proves both informative and entertaining. This is by far the most "readable" and authoritative book on the subject I have read to date.
Bernard Spolsky looks at the many debates at the forefront of language policy in this up-to-date introduction. The topics covered include ideas of correctness and bad language; bilingualism and multilingualism; language death and efforts to preserve endangered languages; language choice as a human and civil right; and language education policy. Spolsky develops a theory of modern national language policy and the major forces controlling it and explores questions that arise concerning the recognition of language policies and language management.
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome (Audiobook, mp3)
This is a comprehensive collection of all the major and minor gods of Rome and Greece, with descriptions of festivals and retellings of major mythological stories.
The genius of Thomas Mann is seen in his ability to transform his pervasive irony into a thousand things. Irony in Mann is a composite metaphor for all of his ambivalence towards both self and society. Study his works with this text, including Death in Venice, Mario and the Magician, Tonio Kröger, "Felix Krull," and "Disorder and Sorrow."