This book provides a very useful teaching tool suitable for use by both undergraduates and post-graduates, who have chosen to include a financial element in their studies. There are many numbered illustrations and a CD-Rom for practical application.
The work is also aimed at professionals working in the market (private or business fund managers or pension managers, market operators and business managers), risk managers and asset and liability managers, auditors and people working generally in the field of risk management.
A Practical Guide to Localization was written for translators, localization engineers, testing engineers, desktop publishers, project managers, and anyone else who may be involved in the release of multilingual products. In this second edition, translators can learn more on localizing software, online help, and documentation files, and on the latest translation technology tools. Localization engineers will learn all about developing, engineering and testing software and online help projects. For project managers, there is all the information needed in planning translation or localization projects, finding resources, and ensuring the quality of deliverables.
Corporations in Evolving Diversity: Cognition, Governance, and Institutions
The 2008-9 financial crisis demands we look anew at the role of corporations, and the working of financial markets around the world. In this challenging and insightful book, one of our most eminent economists pres a compelling new analysis of the corporate firm; the role of shareholders, managers and workers; and institutional governance structures.
Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers
This is the most practical financial management text for those who need basic financial management knowledge and a better understanding of healthcare finance in particular. Using actual examples from hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home health agencies, this user-friendly text includes practical information for the nonfinancial manager charged with budgeting.
Added by: algy | Karma: 431.17 | Black Hole | 5 October 2010
SharePoint 2010 How-To
Need fast, reliable, easy-to-implement solutions for SharePoint 2010? This book delivers exactly what you’re looking for: step-by-step help and guidance with the tasks that users, authors, content managers, and site managers perform most often. Fully updated to reflect SharePoint 2010’s latest improvements, this book covers everything from lists and views to social networking, workflows, and security. The industry’s most focused SharePoint resource, SharePoint 2010 How-To provides all the answers you need—now!