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Market Leader Elementary New Edition Self Study CD-ROM

Market Leader Elementary New Edition Self Study CD-ROM Market Leader Elementary is the first level this five-level series that uses authentic texts from the Financial Times and other sources to develop professional communication skills.


New Self Study CD-ROM contains:

* Video
* Interactive case studies
* Language reviews
* Vocabulary exercises
* Skills practice
* Listening activities

(This disk can also be played as an audio CD)

Tags: Study, Elementary, CDROM, Leader, reviews, Vocabulary, Market, CD-ROM
Market Leader Pre-Intermediate New Edition Self Study CD-ROM

Market Leader Pre-Intermediate New Edition Self Study CD-ROMMarket Leader Pre-Intermediate is the second level this five-level series that uses authentic texts from the Financial Times and other sources to develop professional communication skills.


New Self Study CD-ROM contains:

* Video
* Interactive case studies
* Language reviews
* Vocabulary exercises
* Skills practice
* Listening activities

(This disk can also be played as an audio CD)



Tags: Study, PreIntermediate, CDROM, Leader, reviews, Market, CD-ROM, Pre-Intermediate
Market Leader Intermediate (Business English) 1st ed

Market Leader Intermediate (Business English) 1st edLongman Market Leader Intermediate Business English

Учeбнoe пocoбиe пpeднaзнaчeнo для тex, ктo изучaeт дeлoвoй aнглийcкий язык. Блaгoдapя cвoим ocнoвным чepтaм - aутeнтичным мaтepиaлaм из гaзeты Financial Times, вeликoлeпнo пocтpoeнным Case Studies, cпeциaльным кoмпoнeнтaм пo oтдeльным oтpacлям бизнeca. Market Leader cтaл caмым пoпуляpным и aвтopитeтным учeбникoм дeлoвoгo aнглийcкoгo языкa кaк в Poccии, тaк и вo мнoгиx дpугиx cтpaнax.  
by IrinaM

Tags: Leader, Market, English, Business, Intermediate
Market Leader- International Management
Market Leader- International ManagementMarket Leader- International Management

Tags: Market, International, Management, Leader, added, Leader-
Market Leader- Banking and Finance
altMarket Leader- Banking and Finance
Учебник для будущих лидеров современного бизнеса. Создан коллективом авторов во главе с одним из наиболее авторитетных специалистов в области делового английского - Дэвидом Коттоном. Актуальная тематика, отражающая реальные проблемы и особенности развития современного делового мира. Аутентичные тексты из авторитетных источников. Banking and Finance offers an insight into a range of issues currently shaping the world of international retail and corporate banking. Topics include Electronic cash, Foreign trade, The work of a fund manager and Currency markets.
Tags: Finance, Banking, Leader, Market, авторитетных, делового, современного