Added by: Alexey | Karma: 38.69 | Other | 4 June 2009
This important and highly original book explores the application of economics to the subject of hate via such diverse topics as war, terrorism, road rage, witchcraft mania, marriage and divorce, and bullying and harassment.
This is the dissertation version (later published as the book) of Anne Crippen-Ruderman's wonderful examination of the relationships between the men and women of Jane Austen's novels in their attempts to attain happiness while preserving their dignity. Crippen-Ruderman's thinking has been profoundly and beneficially shaped by her teachers, Saul Bellow, David Grene, and especially Allan Bloom. Her sensitivity to the nuances of Austen's irony and artistry is truly rare. This book will be a source of continuous meditation for the genuine lovers of Jane Austen's works - "carved in ivory".
Must a state in which gay marriage is not legal recognize such a marriage performed in another state? The Constitution does not require recognition in all cases, but it does forbid states from nullifying family relationships based in other states, or from making themselves havens for people who are trying to escape obligations to their spouses and children. In this book, Andrew Koppelman offers workable legal solutions to the problems that arise when gay couples cross state borders.
Added by: stovokor | Karma: 1758.61 | Fiction literature | 8 February 2009
You are sitting in your chair reading, The Marriage of Sticks, by Jonathan Carrol, and suddenly there's a door flying on air. You don't think twice about the improbability of this strange appearance, but get up and turn the knob. Suddenly an aroma of every Christmas that wasn't spoiled cascades into your room...freshly baked cookies, cinnamon and spice, and everything nice. Now down the chimney comes a nightmare. It pulls up a chair beside you and is prepared to stay. You can put the book down. But memories are whizzing by like traffic on the Autobahn and surely illumination is near. Jonathan Carroll is a box of chocolates, the wind behind the door, the shadow that takes shape and draws you in. The Marriage of Sticks is about so much more than selfishness and sacrifice. If the doorbell rings while you're reading it - answer. It could be wonder come to call.
Aphra Behn, Susannah Centlivre, Hannah Cowley, and Elizabeth Inchbald were the only four women in England who enjoyed career-long success as comicplaywrights from 1670-1800. Their respective approaches to the body, contracts, nationalism, and divorce animate their comedies and provide comic comment on the marriage plot. By attending to the dialogue between humorous comic events and the more predictable comic endings of these plays, Anderson illuminates the philosophical, political, and legal arguments about women and marriage that fascinated both female playwrights and the theatergoing public.