LINGUISTICS FOR EVERYONE: AN INTRODUCTION, Second Edition, connects the study of linguistics to the language you use every day. The text is very user-friendly: casual writing style, logical presentation of material, balance of theoretical and practical, entertaining information, and lots of ideas and activities to put what you learn to use right away.
This Teacher’s Guide is designed to help you use the two workbooks that accompany the series. Workbook 1 has exercises and practice material for Episodes 1–15, and Workbook 2 has equivalent material to support Episodes 16–3O. This Guide contains answer keys and suggestions for using the programmes for all 30 episodes.
Perfect for mixed-ability classrooms, the Workbook provides extra reading and writing revision and reference material for weaker students, as well as Challenge and Vocabulary Builder extension activities for stronger learners. The regular reviews allow teachers to monitor their students' progress, while continued revision of the material builds students' confidence.
The Teacher's Handbook provides all the support you need to effectively teach the course. With background notes, teaching suggestions and photocopiable material, the Teacher's Handbook is a valuable resource.