One of life's most exhilarating experiences is the "aha!" moment that comes from pondering a mathematical problem and then seeing the way to an elegant solution. If you are bad at math, this video series will improve your mathematical problem solving and also raise tremendously your GRE quantitative section!
This rich resource recognizes the special set of challenges that kindergarten teachers face. The book provides helpful guidelines for establishing a mathematically nurturing classroom environment, making plans for helping all children learn, choosing appropriate mathematical tasks, and assessing children's understanding.
Mathematical Linguistics (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
This is a remarkable book on the mathematics used for linguistics. … it provides a coherent, well-written view of the math required to model the structure of langiage as used in the main branches of linguistics: phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. The intended audience is anyone with sufficient general mathematical maturity, such as advanced undergraduate math. … The math is presented well, and the material has a strong narrative flow.
Even with a limited mathematics background, readers can understand what statistical methods are and how they may be used to obtain the best possible results from experimental measurements and data. The author describes the physical bases on which statistical theories are developed, and derives from them useful mathematical results and formulas for the evaluation and analysis of experimental data. Special mathematical techniques are explained as they are needed.
A balanced introduction to the theoretical foundations and real-world applications of mathematical finance The ever-growing use of derivative products makes it essential for financial industry practitioners to have a solid understanding of derivative pricing. To cope with the growing complexity, narrowing margins, and shortening life-cycle of the individual derivative product, an efficient, yet modular, implementation of the pricing algorithms is necessary. Mathematical Finance is the first book to harmonize the theory, modeling, and implementation of today's most prevalent pricing models under one convenient cover.