International Mathematical Olympiads 1978-1985 and Forty Supplementary Problems
The International Mathematical Olympiad has been held annually, since 1959; the U.S. began participating in 1974, when the Sixteenth International Olympiad was held in Erfurt, G.D.R In 1974 and 1975, the National Science Foundation funded a three week summer training session with Murray S. Klamkin of the University of Alberta, and Samuel L. Greitzer of Rutgers University as the U.S. teams' coaches. Summer training sessions have been funded since 1976 by grants from the Army research Office and Office of Naval Research.
USA Mathematical Olympiads 1972-1986 Problems and Solutions
Volume 33 of the Anneli Lax New Mathematical Library People delight in working on problems "because they are there," for the sheer pleasure of meeting a challenge. This is a book full of such delights. In it, Murray S. Klamkin brings together 75 original USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) problems for yearss 1972-1986, with many improvements, extensions, related exercises, open problems, referneces and solutions, often showing alternative approaches.
Mathematical Connections: A Companion for Teachers
This book is about some of the topics that form the foundations for high school mathematics. It focuses on a closely-knit collection of ideas that are at the intersection of algebra, arithmetic, combinatorics, geometry, and calculus. Most of the ideas are classical: methods for fitting polynomial functions to data, for summing powers of integers, for visualizing the iterates of a function defined on the complex plane, or for obtaining identities among entries in Pascal's triangle.
The field of mathematics today represents an ongoing global effort, spanning both countries and centuries. While some developments emerged in multiple cultures, independent of each other, others involved an extensive exchange of ideas among individuals around the world. Through this in-depth narrative, students will learn how major mathematical concepts were first derived, as well as how they evolved with the advent of later thinkers shedding new light on various applications.
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdös and the Search for Mathematical Truth
Paul Erdös was an amazing and prolific mathematician whose life as a world-wandering numerical nomad was legendary. He published almost 1500 scholarly papers before his death in 1996, and he probably thought more about math problems than anyone in history. Like a traveling salesman offering his thoughts as wares, Erdös would show up on the doorstep of one mathematician or another and announce, "My brain is open