Takes readers through the process of writing the qualitative dissertation. Shares the author's and many correspondents' understandings of and reflections on how it feels and what it means to do qualitative research for the doctoral dissertation.
Many people believe that searching the Web is as easy as typing a few terms into a box and clicking the search button. Like magic, in a matter of seconds, links to precise, accurate, and current answers will appear. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The term “search” is very broad and means different things to different people. For some people it means using an engine like AllTheWeb or Teoma. For others it includes the use of a Web directory focused on a specific topic. For some, search means utilizing not only Web engines but also specialized
databases that may contain geographic data, full-text articles, or government information.
With Leadership Lessons from West Point as a guide, leaders in the business, nonprofit, and government sectors can learn leadership techniques and practices from contributors who are teaching or have taught at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and have served in positions of leadership that span the globe. These military experts cover a broad range of topics that are relevant to any leadership development program in any sector. The articles in this important resource offer insight into what leadership means to these experts?in both war and peacetime?and describe their views on quiet leadership, mission, values, taking care of people, organizational learning, and leading change
book has been written for people who are just starting out as managers. It
doesn’t include large sections on the various management theories – instead, it
concentrates on how to manage. This means things like what to do, what to think
about, and what to be aware of.