People love and need animals. They keep them in their homes and on their farms. They enjoy going to zoos, and watching animals on films and on TV. Little children love to play with toy animals. But people are a great danger to animals too. They take their land, and cut down the trees where animals have their homes. They pollute the rivers and seas, and kill big animals for their skins or for medicine. Now there are about 7,000 species of animals in danger. What can we do to protect the animals of the world - from us?
This textbook describes in detail the best and most current methods to care for patients in the emergency department, including initial evaluation, generation of differential diagnoses, problem solving, and management of challenging conditions based on presenting symptoms.
The goal of this book is to present a diagnostic framework on which a learner can build his or her “databank” of diagnostic facts. The format of each systems-based chapter consists of an “Introduction,” “Physiology and Mechanics,” “Functional Anatomy,” “History,” “Physical Examination,” “Synthesizing a Diagnosis,” “Laboratory and Imaging,” and “When to Refer.” We have attempted in the “Synthesizing a Diagnosis” sections to present the material in tabular form.
Пропедевтика детских болезней на английском языке.
Ultrasound plays an important role in imaging the abdomen. It can provide quick, life-saving information to the physician. Reviewed in this issue are topics such as imaging of abdominal pain in children, acute abdomen in adults, the aorta, biliary and pancreas, and mesentery. The liver is covered with separate articles on transplants, vascular disorders, and masses.
As more and more practitioners are relying on ultrasound as an accepted, safe, and cost-effective diagnostic tool in everyday practice, its use in diagnosing abdominal problems is quickly increasing. This up-to-date edition includes coverage of basic anatomy, technique, and ultrasound appearances, in addition to the most common pathological processes. It serves as both a practical, clinically relevant manual and resource for professionals, as well as an invaluable textbook for students entering the field.