In the third book of this bestselling series, Amy Barak-Nelson misses her boyfriend Avi, who is in the Israeli army. Her grandmother convinces Amy to sign up for two weeks in a military training base. Not her idea of fun, but what's worse? Her team leader turns out to be Avi.
This is not a conventional military history and anyone looking for a conventional military history will be disappointed. Cumings, a leading expert on modern Korean history, is primarily interested in debunking common American myths about the Korean war. The book is organized as a series of essays on aspects of the Korean war.
Intended as a military biography, this book studies the scope of Henry Plantagenet's warfare during his tenure as count of Anjou, duke of Normandy, and king of England. Relying heavily upon medieval documents, it analyzes his generalship and reexamines his place amongst the important military commanders in English history.
For years, the popular press and military pundits have misunderstood and ridiculed the electronic wall. Neither its sophistication nor the number of allied and civilian lives it saved during the Vietnam War are well known. The story can now be told of how military and civilian technicians, sitting in darkened rooms in a faraway country, monitored one of the most sophisticated electronic sensing systems invented. Working with electronic signals generated hundreds of miles from their computer screens, these technicians tracked the progress of enemy vehicle and troop movements flowing from North Vietnam, through Laos and Cambodia, and to destinations as distant as southern South Vietnam.
PSI SpiesIn PSI Spies, Jim Marrs has provided the original report on the U.S. Army's use of psychic remote viewing as an intelligence tool. Here's how military remote viewing got its start."