Probability and Statistical Models: Foundations for Problems in Reliability and Financial Mathematics
With an emphasis on models and techniques, this textbook introduces many of the fundamental concepts of stochastic modeling that are now a vital component of almost every scientific investigation. These models form the basis of well-known parametric lifetime distributions such as exponential, Weibull, and gamma distributions, as well as change-point and mixture models. The authors also consider more general notions of non-parametric lifetime distribution classes.
Measurement Error: Models, Methods, and Applications
Measurement Error provides an understanding of measurement error, the effects of ignoring it, and how to correct for these effects. The book focuses on the models and methods involved and demonstrates how they can be implemented in practice. Keeping theory to a minimum with an appendix of theoretical background, it presents numerous examples from biostatistics and epidemiology as well as ecology and the social sciences.
Analysis and Approximation of Contact Problems with Adhesion or Damage
Research into contact problems continues to produce a rapidly growing body of knowledge. Recognizing the need for a single, concise source of information on models and analysis of contact problems, accomplished experts Sofonea, Han, and Shillor carefully selected several models and thoroughly study them in Analysis and Approximation of Contact Problems with Adhesion or Damage.
Multicriteria Scheduling: Theory, Models and Algorithms
Scheduling and multicriteria optimisation theory have been subject, separately, to numerous studies. Since the last twenty years, multicriteria scheduling problems have been subject to a growing interest. However, a gap between multicriteria scheduling approaches and multicriteria optimisation field exits. This book is an attempt to collect the elementary of multicriteria optimisation theory and the basic models and algorithms of multicriteria scheduling.
Immerse yourself in the communications experience by building equipment that contributes to understanding basic concepts and circuits. Explore wide dynamic range, low distortion radio equipment, the use of direct conversion and phasing methods, and digital signal processing. Use the models and discussion to design, build and measure equipment at both the circuit and the system level. Laced with new unpublished projects and illustrated with CW and SSB gear.