"I would vote for Bach, all of Bach, streamed out into space. We would be bragging, of course."
—Biologist Lewis Thomas, on what message to send to an extraterrestrial civilization.Underappreciated in his own time, Johann Sebastian Bach has ascended to Olympian heights in the estimation of generations of music lovers. But what is it about his music that makes it great? Composer and musicologist Robert Greenberg helps you hear the extraordinary sweep of Bach's music and understand his compositional language...
Журнал для изучающих английский язык * English in Russia - Перевод с английского языка на основе функционального подхода к грамматике (3) * Nadezhda's corner - Bertram * Throughout America - NYC's Giants * Anglosphere - Trip to New Zealand (2) * Modern Society - Assaulted by Stress! * Accross Britain - Summertime with the Queen of Crime * Cover - Lena Headey * Music - Joss Stone; Spoon * Travelling - The Quest for the Safer Skies * Flora & Fauna - Marabou. The misjudged Bird
Журнал для изучающих английский язык. CONTENTS *Examination - ЕГЭ: Hot Tips *Nadezhda's corner - Top 10 Oscar Moments *Across Britain - Scotland *Good Manners - Dining Etiquette - 4 * Modern Society - How to Find a Job 2 * London - Emergency Call * Cover - Jessica Simpson * Movies - You Know My Name * Music - What’s What in the Studio * Cool - Stencil Art * Britain - What people do * History of Things - Perfume
Журнал для изучающих английский язык. Вы узнаете много интересного и полезного об истории, географии, культурных традициях и современной жизни Великобритании, США и других англоязычных странах. "School English" расскажет о мировых достижениях науки и техники, искусства и спорта, раскроет перед Вами удивительный мир растений и животных, а также поможет полезными советами о том, как сохранить и поддерживать здоровье. Любители современной западной культуры найдут на страницах издания свежую информацию о звездах музыки и кино.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Kids | 8 June 2009
Following the introduction in which the author provides an explanation of a pun and how he creates them, are four sections. Each is a separate topic: music, animals, food, and geography. In case there are words that the reader might not know, Cleary has included a "pun-unciation" guide that provides a definition and how to pronounce the word. This is a helpful tool, for there will be certain music terms and perhaps countries with which some readers may be unfamiliar.