Mosaic II A Reading Skills Book
Added by: Pffy | Karma: 785.54 | Coursebooks | 6 December 2006 |
Mosaic II A Reading Skills Book Учебник по развитию навыков чтения, уровень Upper-Intermediate. Mosaic consists of eight texts plus two instructor's manuals for in-college or college-bound nonnative English students. Mosaic II is for high-intermediate to low-advanced students. |
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Tags: Mosaic, Skills, Reading, nonnative, collegebound |
English for the Real World
Added by: Pffy | Karma: 785.54 | Coursebooks | 4 November 2006 |
Американский разговорный аудиокурс Are you an intermediate-level speaker of English? Still using the old-fashioned phrases you learned in school? Now learn English the way it's really spoken. Real-life dialogues teach phrases for shopping, asking for directions, making phone calls, isiting a doctor, and much more. A practical, intermediate English-language course for non-native English speakers introduces a wide array of idiomatic expressions, colloquialisms, and real-life vocabulary. BOOK (with Russian comments) ADDED! |
68 comments, 44552 views
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Tags: English, phrases, World, colloquialisms, reallife, nonnative, speakers, introduces |