The Bourgeois Frontier: French Towns, French Traders, and American Expansion
Histories tend to emphasize conquest by Anglo-Americans as the driving force behind the development of the American West. In this fresh interpretation, Jay Gitlin argues that the activities of the French are crucial to understanding the phenomenon of westward expansion. The Seven Years War brought an end to the French colonial enterprise in North America, but the French in towns such as New Orleans, St. Louis, and Detroit survived the transition to American rule.
Sally is up against a power that seems to involve the mysteries of life and death. A spiritualist seance provides the first clue; a disappearing magician, a document in the Patent Office, a Swedish industrialist of immense and deadly power, and the most beautiful young woman in England all play their parts. I had great fun with the theatre in this story - the bright colours, the vivid situations, the sense of hard sweaty strenuous effort behind the scenes, and swiftness and mystery and phantasmagoria in front.
In this classic collection, some of the world's most eminent critics of development review the key concepts of the development discourse. Each essay examines one concept from a historical and anthropological point of view and highlights its particular bias. Exposing their historical obsolescence and intellectual sterility, the authors call for a bidding farewell to the whole Eurocentric development idea. This is urgently needed, they argue, in order to liberate people's minds for bold responses to the environmental and ethical challenges now confronting humanity.
Beautifully illustrated with an extensive collection of superb photographs, this is a comprehensive guide to the most common and best-loved wild flowers found across North America. Easy to use, fun to read and very informative, this work is the perfect reference to North America's diversity of wild plants.
"Atlas of the North American Indian, Third Edition" chronicles the travel and experiences of Native Americans from the first voyage to North America to the present day. This new edition now features a bold full-color format and is bolstered by more than 120 full-color, detailed maps that cover important locations for American Indians, as well as highlighting their interactions with European colonists and other non-Native people. In addition, the updated text details the history, traditions, conflicts, land cessions, and contemporary ways of life for American Indians.