Ñosta Rica can be divided into seven regions, corresponding to well-defined geographic criteria. The capital, San Jose, occupies a broad valley enfolded by the mountains of the Central Highlands. The Central Pacific and Southern Nicoya region is a transition zone between a dry ecosystem and a humid one. To the northwest, the dry plains of Guanacaste and Northern Nicoya are framed by volcanoes and, to the west, by gorgeous beaches. Northward, the land slopes down to the sprawling lowlands of the Northern Zone.
The Middle Ages harshly tested human perseverance, imagination, and survival. Living conditions were squalid for almost everyone except the ruling elite; most of the riches of Western culture were preserved in monasteries and on other continents. Then came widespread famines, prolonged wars, and plagues that marked Europe's late medieval period as one of the most harrowing times in recorded history. But Europe was not broken by these crises. Reuploaded by miaow
Growing up, Paul Bunyan was always too big. Too big for the furniture. Too big for regular clothes. Too big to play with the other kids. But out among the tall trees in the great northern forests, Paul felt at home.
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Ancient mythologies are brought to life in the most comprehensive coverage yet produced. Contains 550 images, including illustrations of classic stories. Includes the classical mythology of ancient Greece and Rome; the fairytale myths of the celtic world; and, from Northern Europe, tales of Germanic gods, Nordic warriors, and fearsome giants.