John Wanamaker famously observed that "half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half." Indeed, though advertising is pervasive in our society, how it works (if and when it works) is not a question most of us can answer. In this Very Short Introduction, Winston Fletcher, a seasoned advertising veteran with extensive inside knowledge, offers an illuminating look at this billion-dollar business, dispelling some of the myths and misunderstandings surrounding the industry.
This Companion provides the very latest accounts of the major and current aspects of Egyptology by leading scholars. It is delivered in a highly readable style and extensively illustrated; published in two volumes, it offers unprecedented breadth and depth of coverage, giving full scope to the discussion of this incredible civilization.
Appetizers are the first step to every great meal and the perfect way to serve colorful, creative and delicious food to your family and friends. In one volume, Simply Appetizers offers the steps needed to make tasty tapas, dim sum, antipasto and more!
The Meaning Makers traces the language and literacy development of a large, representative sample of children from age 1 to 10, quoting liberally from observations made at home and at school. Setting the findings of the study in the context of recent research, it offers suggestions for improving children’s opportunities for learning.
Designed by leading experts in elementary education, this book offers children a variety of activities that help them understand critical map and geography skills in fun, easy-to-understand lessons.It's the most complete book that offers: * Challenging and motivating activities that guide students from basic to advanced concepts involving map and geography skills *Step-by-step lesson format that models each activity and ensures student success *Full-color, appealing illustrations and activities to motivate elementary learners