The dictionary compiled by Jerzy Trzeciak lists examples of usage of words often encountered in mathematical texts. The examples come from articles or books by native speakers of English.
Common English errors in mathematical papers
A pdf file listing errors in English usage, most often appearing in mathematical texts, with some explanations and comments.
Do you know the top seven things men do that drive women nuts? Or the real reason women cry more than men do? What are men really looking for in a woman—both at first sight and for the long-term? These are only the starting points for Barbara and Allan Pease as they discuss the very real—and often very funny—differences between the sexes.
AL-GHAZĀLĪ ON DIVINE ESSENCE: A TRANSLATION FROM THE IQTIṢĀD FĪ AL-IʿTIQAD WITH NOTES AND COMMENTARYAbū Ḥāmid Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (d. 1111 C.E.) ranks as one of the most prominent figures in the history of Islamic thought. His works have been published, studied, and commented upon widely by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In the Western tradition of orientalist scholarship, Ghazālī has received no small amount of attention, and, as is often the case when a variety of perspectives and talents are brought to
The simple past tense Form: Subject + past tense of the verb I worked. She sang. He played. Mother cooked. The simple past tense is used to talk about an action completed in the past. It is often used with adverbs or adverb phrases of past time.
has/have + past participle form of the verb He has written a letter. They have arrived. It has stopped raining. The present perfect tense is used to talk about completed activities in the immediate past. It is often used with the adverb of time just. I have just finished my work.