Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » GRE | 17 January 2018
Kaplan's GRE Prep 2018 guides you through your GRE prep step by step--study Kaplan's proven strategies, boost your math skills, practice your pacing, and become an expert in the exam's computerized format with an online practice test. Kaplan is so certain that GRE Prep 2018 offers all the knowledge you need to excel at the GRE that we guarantee it: After studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the GRE--or you'll get your money back.
Web-Based Learning: Design, Implementation and Evaluation
This second edition is a practical, easy-to-read resource on web-based learning. The book ably and clearly equips readers with strategies for designing effective online courses, creating communities of web-based learners, and implementing and evaluating based on an instructional design framework. Case example, case studies, and discussion questions extend readers skills, inspire discussion, and encourage readers to explore the trends and issues related to online instructional design and delivery.
This e-book is your definitive guide to make huge money online. And this is you How-To manual in earning money online. You will learned many facts about how to make huge money online.
Get ready to ace your AP English Literature Exam with this easy-to-follow, multi-platform study guide 5 Steps to a 5: AP English Literature 2018 Elite Student Edition introduces an effective 5-step study plan to help you build the skills, knowledge, and test-taking confidence you need to achieve a high score on the exam. This popular test prep guide matches the latest course syllabus and latest exam. You'll get online help, six full-length practice tests (three in the book and three online), detailed answers to each question, study tips, and important information on how the exam is scored.
Cambridge: English First Result is fully updated to prepare students for success in the new 2015 exam.The contemporary topics, lively texts and vibrant design keep students motivated and the online practice and online practice test provide plenty of opportunities for further learning outside class.