There is an increasing pressure on teachers in further and higher education to provide assessment systems that are fair, valid, reliable, efficient and effective. Funding bodies demand higher quality, students themselves have sharpening expectations. Traditionally, assessment of students’ work has caused teachers more difficulties than any other area, yet the growing number of students and severe financial restraints mean that even existing standards are difficult to maintain.
Book Description The exciting new sixth edition of Electric Machinery has been extensively updated while retaining the emphasis on fundamental principles and physical understanding that has been the outstanding feature of this classic book. This book covers fundamental concepts in detail as well as advanced topics for readers who wish to cover the material in more depth. Several new chapters have been added, including a chapter on power electronics, as well as one on speed and torque control of dc and ac motors. This edition has also been expanded with additional examples and practice problems. The use of MATLAB has been introduced to the new edition, both in examples within the text as well as in the chapter problems.
Constructions of Intersubjectivity shows that the meaning of grammatical constructions often has more to do with the human cognitive capacity for taking other peoples' points of view than with describing the world.
Mankiw's Macroeconomics is popular, widely adopted and well-known for clearly communicating the principles of Macroeconomics in a concise and accessible way. The fifth edition maintains those core features that have made it the best-selling Macroeconomics text in Europe, i.e. a balance of coverage between short- and long-run issues, an integration of Keynesian and classical ideas, a variety of simple models and the incorporation of real world issues and data through case studies and FYI boxes. An outstanding package of support materials, includes the student web-support site 'Macrobytes'.
Who other than MIT scientist Steven Pinker could explore a single linguistic phenomenon - the use of irregular verbs - from the vantage points of psychology, biology, history, philosophy, linguistics, and child development?In Words and Rules, Pinker answers questions about the miraculous human ability called language and does it in the gripping, witty style of his other bestsellers. As the stories unfold, the reader is immersed in the evolution of the English language over the centuries, the theories of Noam Chomsky and his critics, the simulation of neural networks on computers, the illuminating errors of children as they begin to speak, the tragic loss of language from neurological disease, and more illustrations using humorous wordplay than anyone would have thought possible. Pinker makes sense of all these phenomena with the help of a single powerful idea: that the essence of language is a mental dictionary of memorized words and a mental grammar of creative rules.Pinker is well known for his skills of explaining the art and science of language. His bestselling book How the Mind Works was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, and was the #1 bestselling book for in 1997. His other bestseller The Language Instinct was named one of the Ten Best Books of 1994 by The New York Times Book Review and nominated for the William James Book Award by the American Psychological Association.