Can you imagine yourself as the future president of the United States? Create your own presidential portrait and presidential seal! Build a log cabin coin bank and make presidents’ busts using eggshells and paper! Follow storyteller Randel McGee as he explores Presidents’ Day in PAPER CRAFTS FOR PRESIDENTS' DAY!
Can you imagine yourself as the future president of the United States? Create your own presidential portrait and presidential seal! Build a log cabin coin bank and make presidents’ busts using eggshells and paper! Follow storyteller Randel McGee as he explores Presidents’ Day in PAPER CRAFTS FOR PRESIDENTS' DAY!
Most writing is done under pressure. An executive has to produce a three-page position paper by tomorrow at nine. A department head suddenly has to write a one-page action memo by noon. A graduate student has a twenty-page research paper due in a week. Yet, while most students and professionals write under pressure--with limited time, limited space, and a supervisor or instructor to please--few approach the task systematically.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Only for teachers, KET | 15 January 2015
Introduction to the KET exam. Comprehensive exam advice for students. Visual material for the speaking paper. Transcripts for the listening paper. Model answers with examiner comments for the writing paper. Full answer keys for all five tests. Sample exam answer sheets and mark schemes.