Physics For You supplies the essential material such as important texts, sample papers, previous years’ papers, flowcharts and memory tips required for achieving success in pre-medical and engineering exams.
The 15 contributions in the present collection can be divided roughly into three groups: (1) Papers directly following up functional stylistics and the theory of language culture, elaborated in the classical period of the Prague Linguistic School. (2) Papers concerning the problems of style in a wider communicative arena. These contributions are closely related to contemporary text linguistics and also deal with problems involving psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and semiotics. (3) Papers having, at least in some part, a pronounced historiographic character.
Rather than simply a record of proceedings (3rd International Conference on Functional Grammar, Amsterdam, June 1988), this volume contains revised and expanded papers from the conference and other papers inspired by the lively discussion there. The volume focuses on the nature of the structures assumed to underlie utterances in natural languages, in two respects. One area is the question of whether to expand the representations accepted in Functional Grammar (FG) in order to capture interpersonal functions, i.e., communication between speaker and hearer in a particular situation and context, to include, for example, aspect, tense, modality and illocutionary force.
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Biology Today supplies the essential material such as important texts, sample papers, previous years’ papers, flowcharts and memory tips required for achieving success in pre-medical exams. Biology Today is committed to improving the quality of science education, enhancing students' interest in science, fostering their analytical ability and, most importantly helping thousands of young engineering and medical aspirants to become successful professionals – their cherished dream.