Neanderthals and Modern Humans, first published in 2004, develops the theme of the close relationship between climate change, ecological change and biogeographical patterns in humans during the Pleistocene. In particular, it challenges the view that Modern Human ‘superiority’ caused the extinction of the Neanderthals between 40 and 30 thousand years ago.
Have you seen those advertisements that say "this is the only book you'll ever need on this subject"? This new volume by Budd isn't the only knitting book you'll ever need, but one could knit hundreds of different mittens, gloves, socks, sweaters, vests, hats, and scarves from just the patterns found here. Budd is managing editor of the popular magazine Interweave Knits, and this is the book she wished she had when she worked in a yarn store and customers requested patterns made for their size with yarns available in the shop.
This book presents the first comprehensive typology of purpose clause constructions in the world's languages. Based on a stratified variety sample of 80 languages, it uncovers the unity and diversity of the morphosyntactic means by which purposive relations are coded, and discusses the status of purpose clauses in the syntactic and conceptual space of complex sentences. Explanations for significantly recurrent coding patterns are couched in a usage-based approach to language structure, which pays due attention to the cognitive and communicative..
Kristin Omdahl takes a fresh approach to crochet technique and construction in her new book Wrapped in Crochet (Interweave 2008). Featuring stitch patterns exclusive to Kristin and this book, Kristin shares 18 stunning patterns for crocheted scarves, wraps, and shawls.