Two penguins find their nesting site too crowded, so one sets off on a trip around the world to find a better home. Follow her as she visits different islands and sends back messages to her mate
Hamlet - Penguin Readers - Level 3 (1200 words) Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark. His heart is filled with sadness and pain. Only his two best friends know the true reason. Hamlet is one of the most famous plays in the world. It is as true and alive today as it was 400 years ago.
The teacher's factsheets and answers are added to the end of the file.
Outstanding Short Stories (Penguin Readers level 5)This collection Brings together some of the Best examples of late nineteenth- and early Twentieth-century Short Stories. Some are about ordinary people to whom something unexpected happens. Others are about unusual characters or events. Some of the stories are funny and others are more serious. All of them are highly enjoyable.
Inman is a soldier in the American Civil War, but leaves the horrors of war to return to Cold Mountain to be with the woman he loves, Ada. An award-winning novel and film.
Hercule Poirot has received a letter which is simply signed 'ABC'. The writer promises a mystery that is too difficult even for the great mind of the famous Belgian detective. Poirot is worried by the letter, but there seems to be no case to solve. And then the murders begin.