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Moby Dick is the most dangerous whale in the oceans. Captain Ahab fought him and lost a leg. Now he hates Moby Dick. He wants to kill him. But can Captain Ahab and his men find the great white whale? A young sailor, Ishmael, tells the story of their exciting and dangerous trip.
Added by: elefanta | Karma: 2537.34 | Black Hole | 28 November 2011
Death on the Nile - Penguin Readers Level 5
Contemporary / British English Linnet Ridgeway is rich, beautiful and clever. She appears to have everything. But Linnet also has enemies. When she is shot dead on a passenger boat in Egypt, it is fortunate that Hercule Poirot is also on the trip. But even for the great Belgian detective, this is not a simple case
The Wrong Man - Penguin Active Reading (Book and CD-Rom)
Added by: stratobird | Karma: 129.81 | Black Hole | 15 November 2011
The Wrong Man - Penguin Active Reading (Book and CD-Rom)
A man wants to kill the Police Commissioner. But who is he? Can Steve Malone find the killer? He only has two days ...
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