From the bestselling author who brought you Knitting Over the Edge, Knitting Beyond the Edge, and many others, comes an exciting new book for knitters—this time, with an Italian accent! It’s filled with the warmth of the sun-splashed Tuscan countryside, inspired by Nicky’s knitting tour of the region. Knitters will pour themselves a glass of Chianti, gaze at the gorgeous photographs, and work their way through a dozen fabulous Tuscan-style projects (presented with step-by-step instructions).
Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs with a Film or Digital Camera
Для серьезных фотографов-любителей, которые уже умеют получать хорошо сфокусированные, точно экспонированные снимки, но хотят быть более творческими с камерой, вот эта книга для Вас. Более семидесяти методов, как популярных, так и менее знакомых подходов, подробно описаны, в том числе передовые метода съемки: в отраженном свете вспышки и при свечах,через ИК-порт, мягкий фокус для эффектов,с необычных ракурсов, масштабирование, и других тщательно подобранные методы повышения качества фотографий.
The Beatles: Recording Sessions: The Official Abbey Road Studio Session Notes, 1962-1970
One of the most important and successful rock 'n' roll books ever published is now available in paperback. This is the definitive guide to every recording session done by the Beatles at EMI's Abbey Road recording studio. 150 full-color, 100 duotone, and 100 black-and-white photographs.
The 100 Greatest Photographs of the Paranormal: Taken from the Fortean Picture Library
Added by: algy | Karma: 431.17 | Black Hole | 11 November 2010
The 100 Greatest Photographs of the Paranormal: Taken from the Fortean Picture Library
This collection of 100 intriguing and mysterious photographs comes from the Fortean Pictu re Library, which was started by Janet and Colin Bord in 1978.(The name 'Fortean' refers to Charles Fort (1874-1932), who paved the way as a collector of weird and wonderful facts relating to events outside the realms of convent ional science.)
Dear User, your publication has been rejected because WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS SORT OF MATERIALS at We only allow educatinal materials that have a clear connection to learning or teaching English. Note: if you're trying to share a movie, TV series or a cartoon with English subtitles, you can post the links in our Forum. We do not accept such materials on the main site. Thank you
The 100 Greatest Photographs of the Paranormal: Taken from the Fortean Picture Library
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 11 November 2010
The 100 Greatest Photographs of the Paranormal: Taken from the Fortean Picture Library
This collection of 100 intriguing and mysterious photographs comes from the Fortean Pictu re Library, which was started by Janet and Colin Bord in 1978.(The name 'Fortean' refers to Charles Fort (1874-1932), who paved the way as a collector of weird and wonderful fac ts relating to events outside the realms of convent ional science.)
Dear User, your publication has been rejected because WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS SORT OF MATERIALS at We only allow educatinal materials that have a clear connection to learning or teaching English. Note: if you're trying to share a movie, TV series or a cartoon with English subtitles, you can post the links in our Forum. We do not accept such materials on the main site. Thank you