This is a major new edition of Ox. largest and most comprehensive dictionary of quotations, bringing you the wisdom of the ages and the sound bites of today in 20,000+ quotations. The text is a browser's paradise, covering people and events from Cleopatra to J. K. Rowling, and the battle of Marathon to the Hutton Inquiry. The keyword index will help you to trace that half-remembered quote, and identifies the quotations that give us key phrases such as 'state of the Union' and 'dodgy dossier'. Special sections bring together categories such as Misquotations and Film lines.
Рабочая тетрадь содержит прекрасный тренировочный материал, позволяющий многократно повторить изученное на занятии, развивающий воображение, мышление, память.
Series is written for preschoolers and younger students who are starting to learn a language with a teacher or parents, who know English. Children learn to read, write, listen, understand and speak simple phrases. The whole process of learning takes place in a memorable, relaxed manner, illustrated with colorful pictures, songs and rhyming.
For teachers, students and all who love language, this indispensable resource now has more than 3,000 examples of more than 1,000 idiomatic phrases. Click the cover for a preview. Americans love to use idioms, phrases that are colorful and mysterious. Idioms in the News investigates how the 800-pound gorilla got mixed up with the elephant in the room. Learn what mumbo jumbo means and where it came from. Find out why greasing someone's palm may not be messy but may be illegal.
English - One Step Further (Angielski - krok dalej)
An audio course in grammar and vocabulary for the learners of English at false-beginner and pre-intermediate levels. Especially tailored for the students aiming to revise basic sentence structures and common phrases. Features 18 theme units.
The topics in the book are treated in eight languages-English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech and Slovak. This book includes all the most useful word phrases and sentences a tourist will need for a variety of situations.