The Concise Dictionary of Scottish Words and PhrasesThe Concise Dictionary of Scottish Words and Phrases is a rpresentation of the rich variations of the scottish english. Few people who are either native speakers of English or who have learnt English as a foreign or second language visit Scotland with any expectations of experiencing language difficulties. For the most part, their confidence is justified, provided at least they stick to the traditional tourist places and pursuits. The most difficulty they are likely to experience is with regional variations in accent and pronunciation
Matt Purland from Banana will teach you simple words in Polish. There are 30 topics as follows: 1. Greetings and Introductions 2. Common Words and Phrases 3. Food 4. Fruit 5. vegetables 6. In the Kitchen 7. Meat 8. Days of the Week 9. Love and Romance Read more...
Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Parent-Teacher Conferences, Report Cards, IEPs and Other School Documents
Find the right words for report cards, parent-teacher conferences, and more Written for teachers grades K through 12, it helps you find the right words that will communicate a student’s progress effectively and reveal his or her weaknesses without sounding negative. This book provides lists of words and phrases that convey difficult messages tactfully and with appropriate professionalism, and words and phrases that follow state standards and guidelines for permanent records.
Perfect Phrases for Sales Presentations: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Delivering Powerful Presentations That Close Every Sale
THE RIGHT PHRASE FOR THE RIGHT SITUATION—EVERY TIME When it comes to sales presentations, every word counts—but who has the time to craft perfect presentations all the time? You do—when you have Perfect Phrases for Sales Presentations. This go-to guide is exactly what you need to streamline this critical process.
THE RIGHT PHRASE FOR EVERY SITUATION . . . EVERY TIME Employees respond to organizational change with worry, fear, and sometimes even panic. Your job is to keep them motivated and focused—so you must choose your words carefully during times of upheaval.