Hands-On Physical Science Activities For Grades K-6, Second Edition
This is the second edition of Marvin N. Tolman’s bestselling book Hands-On Physical Science Activities for Grades K-6. Like all the books in The Science Problem-Solving Curriculum Library series, this revised edition offers compelling activities that help teach students thinking and reasoning skills along with basic science concepts and facts. The book’s activities follow the discovery/inquiry approach and encourage students to analyze, synthesize, and infer based on their own hands-on experiences.
In this third edition, core applications have been added along with more recent developments in the theories of chemical reaction kinetics and molecular quantum mechanics, as well as in the experimental study of extremely rapid chemical reactions. * Fully revised concise edition covering recent developments in the field * Clear and comprehensive text ideal for undergraduate and graduate course study * Encourages readers to apply theory in practical situations
"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action."--Samurai Maximum.
Under the guidance of such celebrated masters as Ed Parker and the immortal Bruce Lee, Joe Hyams vividly recounts his more than 25 years of experience in the martial arts. In his illuminating story, Hyam reveals to you how the daily application of Zen principles not only developed his physical expertise but gave him the mental discipline to control his personal problems-self-image, work pressure, competition.
The definitive text on human gait is now in its Third Edition—thoroughly revised to reflect recent advances in the study of human locomotion and the clinical use of gait analysis. The book features contributions from leading experts in all the disciplines involved in the study, assessment, and treatment of gait disorders, including physical medicine and rehabilitation, orthopaedics, neurology, physical therapy, podiatry, kinesiology, and biomedical engineering.
The New Physical Optics Notebook: Tutorials in Fourier Optics
Approaches the topic of physical optics with examples drawn from the physical processes described. Includes chapters on Fourier transforms, image formation, optical coherence, diffraction, interference, holography, interferometry, analog optical computing, synthetic aperture imaging, and others. Contains more than 600 photographs and line drawings and more than 650 references.