Make Your Mind Work for You: New Mind Power Techniques to Improve Memory, Beat Procrastination and More! It's widely known that most of us use only a fraction of our brain's capacity. Imagine how much more you would achieve if you could harness and manage the untapped powers of your mind! Now memory expert Joan Minninger reveals how you can draw on breakthrough neuro-research to maximize your mental potential and MAKE YOUR MIND WORK FOR YOU.
"In The Power of Now, author-sage Eckhart Tolle uses words to guide readers beyond words. Pointing to the portals of the eternal present, this practical mystic's modern gospel offers transcendent truths that set us free" - Dan Millman"
She was a ravishing beauty from Boston, with a mysterious past and a fiery spirit. Drawn to the powerful duke, undeterred by his presumptuous airs, Caroline was determined to win his lasting love. But Bradford would bend to no woman — until a deadly intrigue drew them enticingly close. Now, united against a common enemy, they would discover the power of the magnificent attraction that brought them together…a desire born in danger, but destined to flame into love!
The Power of Accounting: What the Numbers Mean and How to Use Them
The Power of Accounting: What the Numbers Mean and How to Use Them provides a highly readable text for non-financial managers. It explores accounting’s uses and limitations in the management process. The text is intended for users of accounting information as opposed to preparers. It focuses on aiding the reader in understanding what accounting numbers mean, what they do not mean, when and how they can be used for decision making and planning and when they cannot.
Malcolm Gladwell - Blink.-.The.Power.of.Thinking.Without.Thinking(Audiobook)Blink is about the first two seconds of looking--the decisive glance that knows in an instant. Gladwell, the best-selling author of The Tipping Point, campaigns for snap judgments and mind reading with a gift for translating research into splendid storytelling. Building his case with scenes from a marriage, heart attack triage, speed dating, choking on the golf course, selling cars, and military maneuvers, he persuades readers to think small and focus on the meaning of "thin slices" of behavior. ..