Complementing the much-loved BBC television programme, Sky at Night Magazine is your practical guide to astronomy. Each issue features columns by renowned experts such as Sir Patrick Moore as well as in-depth cosmological features, practical observing tutorials, comprehensive equipment reviews, astrophotography master classes and much, much more. And with easy-to follow star charts and expert advice on how to get the most out of the observing month, Sky at Night Magazine is essential reading for both the novice and experienced astronomer.
Let's Talk in English, first published in 1981, and Studio Classroom rank number one and two as the best-selling English magazines in Taiwan. Let's Talk in English, the best domestic English conversation magazine, has earned the IBC Good Programs Award. It provides practical vocabulary and conversation skills to help you learn to speak English well by using simple, useful vocabulary.
Complementing the much-loved BBC television programme, Sky at Night Magazine is your practical guide to astronomy. Each issue features columns by renowned experts such as Sir Patrick Moore as well as in-depth cosmological features, practical observing tutorials, comprehensive equipment reviews, astrophotography master classes and much, much more. And with easy-to follow star charts and expert advice on how to get the most out of the observing month, Sky at Night Magazine is essential reading for both the novice and experienced astronomer.
Учебное пособие охватывает всю программу курса лексикологии английского языка. В нем рассматриваются важнейшие проблемы лексикологии в свете ведущих принципов современной лингвистики. Введение в теоретические проблемы курса осуществляется на фоне обобщающего описания основ лексического строя английского языка. Каждый раздел пособия снабжен вопросами и практическими заданиями, контролирую щими и углубляющими понимание языковых явлений, а также стимулирующими самостоятельный анализ фактов языка. Для студентов лингвистических вузов и факультетов иностранных языков.
This is a wonderful book, for teachers and pupils alike. It's thorough, interesting, well illustrated and thoughtfully organised. Spelling has always been a sticky subject for teachers to teach, but this book fills the gap, making the learning process a smooth one. Following the rules and explanations as they are set out in the book ensures a good grasp of what has been for many until now an illogical and bewildering subject. Deficient PDF - 53 pages