Fun Zone 2 provides additional material for teachers to use in class alongside English Zone 2 Student’s Book. It contains activities and games which offer
further practice of the grammar and vocabulary in the Students’ Book.
These activities can be used with any coursebook aimed at 10-12 year-olds :)
With more review, practice, and drills than any other guide, students get everything they need to earn top GRE scores! Structured and easy to follow, it also includes test prep for the changes made to the exam, 6 full-length practice tests, and full coverage of the writing test.
Revised for the December 2008 exam, Practice Tests Plus New Edition thoroughly prepares students for the ESOL exams by providing authentic practice of all five exam papers. 'Teaching not just testing' improves students' exam performance by offering guidance on how to approach each task type and training students on how to choose the right answer. NON-ISO (=direct run) VERSION by Pumukl
Added by: cubexno | Karma: 27.67 | Exam Materials » PET | 6 September 2008
PET Practice Tests Plus 2 The Practice Tests Plus series provides sets of complete tests at exam
level and in exam format for KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS and
Michigan ECPE and ECCE levels. Each book introduces students to exam
formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to
maximise their chances of excelling.
Features a variety of stimulating texts and lively visual material
Provides an overview of all task formats and what they test
Answers students' top 20 questions about each exam
Offers practical tips and guidance on how to approach each task type AUDIO added Thanks to Hanna Kash!
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice systematically teaches grammar and vocabulary and helps students develop all skills necessary to succeed in the revised FCE Examination, the Michigan ECCE and other exams. The Teacher's book includes the Student's book with the key overprinted, as well as photocopiable tests (with key).