Anatomy and Physiology for English Language Learners
Added by: enetips610 | Karma: 0 | ESP, Medicine | 7 June 2008
Этот новый учебный курс предназначен для медработников, изучающих английский язык. В нём вы найдёте введение в основы анатомии и физиологии. Каждая глава посвящена отдельной теме, с большим количеством иллюстраций, адаптированным материалом для чтения, списком часто употребляющейся лексики. В конце книги приводятся проверочные тесты.
Designed for English Language Learners who are entering the health-care field or preparing for college-level science courses, this new text provides an introduction to basic anatomy and physiology.
11 Practice Tests for the New SAT and PSAT, 2006 Edition (College Test Prep) (Paperback)
Added by: lamxung | Karma: 43.98 | Exam Materials » SAT | 27 May 2008
The hottest-selling SAT book in years is back!
For the
first time in over a decade the SAT has undergone major changes. Like
it or not, students, parents, and educators will need to learn new
test-taking strategies, and the only way to master the new test is
through practice.
The best-selling 11 Practice Tests returns to
help students beat the test by working through questions formulated to
reflect the same problems they'll face on the new SAT. After years of
experience working with the SAT and PSAT, the experts at The Princeton
Review have made this book the most accurate reflection of the test
Description Side by Side Activity Workbook 4 provides all-skills activities that are fully coordinated with the Side by Side 4 Student's books. Key Features
All-skills practice that support the Student's book
Regular rhythm, stress and intonation practice is GrammarRaps and GrammarSongs
This text helps students understand and use 100 high-frequency American idioms in various grammatical and situational contexts.
-- Twenty self-contained lessons move from highly controlled to less-controlled use of idioms.
-- Provides intensive practice in exercises designed for fluency attainment as well as comprehension.
Each lesson features a seven-part dialogue that introduces the idioms,
with usage notes, structure practice, and comprehension exercises.
Learning idioms is an essential element for English as a Second
Language students. This book not only contains an extensive list of
useful and commonly used idioms but, in contrast to others, includes
exercises with each lesson helping ensure that the material is
Издание, содержащее отрывки из аутентичных книг о науке и технике. Упражнения на понимание, вокабуляр, задания на обсуждение, грамматику, письмо.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Книга имеет то же название, то и уже опубликованная, но это абсолютно другая книга другого автора, издательства и содержания.
Tech Talk contains authentic materials
and excerpts from nonfiction books and from NPR that deal with popular,
newsworthy issues in science and technology. With readings, the book
contains related exercises in comprehension, vocabulary, discussion,
grammar, and writing.
In addition to providing reading practice, this textbook aims to:
Teach grammar through examples of real usage.
Provide practice in the writing styles commonly used in science and engineering: explanation, persuasion, and critical analysis.
Provide opportunities for verbal practice through class discussion.
Encourage English learners to read independently and to learn language through reading.
The readings in the book were selected to appeal to all readers, but
will be especially helpful to English learners who are engineers,
scientists, or university students in technical fields.
An audio CD featuring many of the readings is also available.