Brain Matters: Translating Research into Classroom Practice
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks | 24 June 2007
Everyone agrees that what we do in schools should be based on what we know about how our brain learns. Until recently, however, we have had few clues to unlock the secrets of the brain. Now, research from the neurosciences has greatly improved our understanding of the learning process, and we have a much more solid foundation on which to base educational decisions. In this book, Patricia Wolfe makes it clear that before we can effectively match teaching practice to brain functioning, we must first understand how the brain functions. Each chapter provides examples using brief scenarios from actual classroom practice, from the lower elementary grades to high school.
Ten Fairy Tales (text+audio) You'll find ten fairy tales in this archive - both audiofiles and DOC scripts. The scripts include Grammar Practice, Vocabulary pre-reading and post-reading Practice questions, as well as Speaking Practice questions. Some parts of the practice tasks are English-Russian translation tasks. However, you'll discover that you can just omit those activities easily. The following fairy-tales are included in the archive: 1 Johnny-Cake 2 Little Kim 3 The Emperor 4 The Sleeping Beauty 5 The Wild Swans 6 The Wolf and the Seven Kids 7 The Little Matchgirl 8 The Enchanted Princess 9 The Snow Queen 10 The Wizard of Oz
New Proficiency Gold corresponds to the most recent specifications of the Proficiency exam. The course provides enjoyable and thorough preparation. The Maximiser is a unique combination of Students’ Book and Exam Handbook. Thorough exam training and language practice run parallel with practical tips, strategies and learner training to build confidence.
Written for both new and existing lecturers, this handbook is based upon exemplary practice and case studies. It gives readers the information they will need to ensure that teaching practice is in line with current standards and best practice.
После длительного перерыва продолжаем знакомство с курсом Focus on Grammar (2-e издание|2nd edition). Сегодня у нас четвёртая "рабочая тетрадь" Focus on Grammar, Workbook - High-Intermediate. Авторами этой рабочей тетради являются Marjorie Fuchs и Margaret Bonner. Это сборник заданий к четвёртому тому учебного курса Focus on Grammar тех же авторов
Focus on Grammar, Second Edition - серия учебных пособий, где в основу изложения матерала положен согласованный подход из четырёх ступеней, позволяющий обучающимся проще усваивать сложные аспекты грамматики, а преподавателям - объяснять и закреплять материал с меньшими затратами усилий. В каждом тексте основного курса присутствуют такие элементы, как Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice.
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