• Where does our sense of identity and belonging come from? • How does culture produce and challenge identities? In Identity and Culture Chris Weedon looks at how different cultural narratives and practices work to constitute identity for individuals and groups in multi-ethnic, ‘postcolonial’ societies.
Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, Vol. 1 A - C
In the fully updated second edition of this award-winning title, nearly 900 alphabetically arranged entries cover topics in body systems and functions, conditions and common diseases, issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment. The Encyclopedia covers all major health professions, including nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy and more.
The Clinical Drug Therapy Rationales for Nursing Practices
Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond. Textbook discusses the basics of drug therapy from normal body function and the side effects of the disease processes to the beneficial actions of drug therapy. Provides information to ensure accurate dosing and individualized drug treatment.
Offering sound presentation of fundamental nursing concepts, and precise coverage of step-by-step clinical procedures, the second edition of Fundamentals of Nursing has been thoroughly revised to reflect the latest developments in current practice.
Pre-Conquest attitudes towards the dying and the dead have major implications for every aspect of culture, society and religion of the Anglo-Saxon period; but death-bed and funerary practices have been comparatively and unjustly neglected by historical scholarship. In her wide-ranging analysis, Dr Thompson examines such practices in the context of confessional and penitential literature, wills, poetry, chronicles and homilies, to show that complex and ambiguous ideas about death were current at all levels of Anglo-Saxon society.