The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook Presents: A Magical Christmas Menu
Sure, you can't be in Hogwarts Hall for the Christmas feast, but you can add some wizadry to your own holiday meal with this cookbook! The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook Presents: A Magical Christmas Menu includes 16 recipes guaranteed to enchant your friends and family this holiday season. From mouth-watering appetizers to decadent desserts and a steaming cup of Mrs. Weasley's Hot Chocolate, this season you can conjure a feast that would satisfy even Hagrid's hearty appetite!
Rawsome! Maximizing Health, Energy, and Culinary Delight With the Raw Foods Diet
A raw foods diet advocates exactly that: eating raw foods. No cooking, no grilling, no steaming, no application of high temperatures. Why? Because eating food closest to its natural state engenders a tremendous exchange of energy between food and body. The result, over time, is a feeling of buoyant, radiant health. Tackling head-on the skepticism likely to greet proponents of what the world sees as a "fad" diet, renowned nutritional consultant and raw foods adherent Brigitte Mars presents historical data and scientific evidence confirming the efficacy of raw foods diets in:
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 14 October 2011
Terror Under the Sea (Factastic Journey)
The beach is the place where the land meets the sea and monsters of the deep can come ashore. Dolphins and killer whales may look cute, but these warm-blooded mammals are also cool killers ...
This Facstatic Journey Book presents facts, photographs, and quizzes about monstrous maneaters, freaky fish, and slithering sea serpents.
Ethics - A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory, 4th ed
Ethics - A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory provides a comprehensive yet clear introduction to the main traditions in ethical thought, including virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology. Additionally, the book presents a conceptual framework of ethical pluralism to help students understand the relationship among various theories. Hinman, one of the most respected and accomplished professionals in ethics and philosophy education today, presents a text that gives students plentiful opportunities to explore ethical theory and their own responses to them, using fascinating features such as the "Ethical Inventory" sections that appear at the beginning and the end of the text.
From visions of a past life to glimpses of the future, history is full of accounts of unusual dreams. This fascinating book explores historical, scientific, and cross-cultural research on these sorts of extraordinary dreams, and offers practical suggestions on how to work with them-either individually or as a member of a dream group-to enhance one's intellectual, emotional, and spiritual health. Each chapter is devoted to a particular type of dream, and presents a summary of research data on their nature. Specific categories of dreams discussed include creative, lucid, out-of-body, pregnancy, healing,