This book develops a theory of the morpheme in the framework of Distributed Morphology. Particular emphasis is devoted to the way in which functional morphemes receive their phonological form post-syntactically, through the operation of Vocabulary Insertion. In addition to looking closely at syncretism, the primary motivation for Vocabulary Insertion, the book examines allomorphy, blocking, and other key topics in the theory of the morpheme.
Podręcznik "NEW Bingo! 2A" to kurs kontuacyjny, przeznaczony dla uczniów II klasy szkoły podstawowej. Zawiera dodatkowy zeszyt ćwiczeń umożliwiający powtórzenie i utrwalenie materiału, wiele nowych utworów muzycznych oraz płytę CD z nagraniem wszystkich piosenek i historyjek do samodzielnej pracy ucznia w domu lub do słuchania dla przyjemności.
NEW Bingo! 2A " is a course for grades 1-3 of primary school. Instructions are mainly in Polish, but the content and the exercises can be understood easily.
Happy Earth 2 (New Edition) Teachers BookOne of the world’s most successful primary courses, the Happy Series is a six-level course that’s perfectly in step with your students’ development.
A topic-based course that allows learners to extend their language skills while learning about the world around them. Happy Earth is a two-level course bridging the gap between primary and lower secondary courses. Designed for upper primary, it takes into account real progress in reading and writing in the early primary years