This books offers a definitive text on the vital topic fundraising. It provides students of fundraising and nonprofit professionals access to the most relevant theories and includes concrete examples of modern fundraising practice. The book contains clear learning objectives, recommended readings, case studies, summary self-test questions, and exercises at the end of each chapter. The Principles and Practice of Fundraising comprehensively addresses all the major forms of fundraising and critical topics such as donor behavior and fundraising planning.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage WorkAccording to most relationship books, the key to a solid marriage is communication, communication, communication. Phooey, says John Gottman, Ph.D., author of the much-lauded Why Marriages Succeed or Fail. There's much more to a solid, "emotionally intelligent" marriage than sharing every feeling and thought, he points out--though most couples therapists ineffectively (and expensively) harp on these concepts.
This book covers all the basic concepts of statistics - descriptive study of data, probability, sampling variation, statistical inference and special techniques for handling data - and illustrates them with practical examples that stimulate students' appreciation of the subject. It pays careful attention to the role of assumptions so that readers can develop a sophisticated approach to interpreting statistical results. Each chapter begins by identifying the practical goal underlying topics covered and ends with a summary of key ideas and formulas.
This book opens a doorway to a practical new way of understanding how your mind works. More important, this book teaches specific simple principles that you can use to "run your own brain." It teaches you how to change your own experience when you're not pleased with it, and to further enhance your enjoyment when your life is going well. Many of us have the ability to take known principles and make useful adaptations of those principles, or make a small innovation now and then.
Principles of Managerial Finance, 12th EdGitman’s proven Learning Goal System—a hallmark feature of Principles of Managerial Finance—weaves pedagogy into concepts and practice, providing students with a road map to guide them through the text and supplementary tools. The Twelfth Edition now includes an emphasis on personal finance issues to add currency and relevance to the already cohesive learning framework.