Math Puzzles and Games, Grades 6-8: Over 300 Reproducible Puzzles that Teach Math and Problem Solving
Number puzzles, spatial/visual puzzles, cryptograms, Sudoku, Kokuro, logic puzzles, and word games like Frame Games are all a great way to teach math and problem-solving skills to middle school students. In these two new collections, puzzle master Terry Stickels provides puzzles and brain games that range from simple to challenging and are organized by grade level and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) content areas.
Effective problem solving contributes to school leaders' ability to create lasting improvement in classroom and organizational practice. By addressing the practice of school leaders as a first concern, this book focuses on the skills required for smart, effective problem solving. Sharon D. Kruse first focuses on the tasks of problem solving (identifying problems initiating actions, and evaluating results) and describes three areas (employing effective communication, designing constructive policies, and developing supportive systems) on which school leaders should concentrate. The book provides strategies for school leaders to accomplish their goals.
Nonstandard Logics and Nonstandard Metrics in Physics
This work presents two mathematical techniques: non-standard logics and non-standard metrics. The techniques are applied to current problems in physics, such as the hidden variable problem and the local and nonlocal problems.
Developing and understanding different methods of tackling problems is an essential career skill. "Problem Solving, Third Edition" teaches readers how to become a problem solver, a valuable and highly sought person in today's complicated workforce. This new edition illustrates the difference between scientific and creative problem-solving techniques and outlines a five-step approach to dealing with dilemmas that students can apply to almost any situation. A new appendix of helpful Web sites has been added as well as true-or-false quizzes in each chapter.
Asphalt Nation: How the Automobile Took Over America and How We Can Take It Back
Asphalt Nation is a powerful examination of how the automobile has ravaged America's cities and landscape over the past 100 years together with a compelling strategy for reversing our automobile dependency. Jane Holtz Kay provides a history of the rapid spread of the automobile and documents the huge subsidies commanded by the highway lobby, to the detriment of once-efficient forms of mass transportation.